Artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technologies have great potential for use both within and outside the Federal Administration. The use of AI can help to ensure better quality and possible new services for the Federal Administration’s customers.
What is the benefit of our AI network?
The creation of a Competence Network for Artificial Intelligence (CNAI) is expected to foster the use of and confidence in AI and other new technologies within and outside the Federal Administration in a sustainable way. This network also makes it possible to draw on broad expert knowledge and ensures that knowledge gained from AI projects can be shared within the Federal Administration, that synergies can be used and redundancies avoided. The concrete business case for a possible AI-based solution will always come from the administrative units concerned.
In contrast to a competence center like the FSO’s DSCC, the CNAI does not actually implement any projects itself. However, competence centers can serve as important network competence hubs of the CNAI and their expertise can play a key role in the implementation of AI projects.
Competence Network for Artificial Intelligence (CNAI)
- The CNAI acts as enabler and facilitator.
- The CNAI conveys and bundles (expert) knowledge on AI.
- The CNAI serves as a network for experts, project managers and data scientists.

The network competence hubs
- The network competence hubs can be competence centers, for instance.
- A competence center has expertise and an interest in AI.
- It acts as an advisor or implementer.
- One example of this is the Data Science Competence Center (DSCC).
- But persons, institutions, organisations, or companies can also be network competence hubs.
The interdepartmental working group on artificial intelligence (IDAG AI), which was established in 2018 as part of the updated Digital Switzerland strategy, was commissioned in 2019 by the Federal Council with the IDAG AI report which drew up a feasibility analysis. The Federal Council subsequently commissioned the Federal Department of Home Affairs (Federal Statistical Office, FSO) and the Federal Chancellery (Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Unit, DTI) to conduct a detailed analysis by mid-2021 and to establish the concrete design of this network. In August 2021, it was also decided that the CNAI unit should be operational by spring 2022.
Who is involved in creating and developing the CNAI?
The interdepartmental CNAI working group consists of representatives from the FSO, the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Administration’s Swiss Digital Organisation (DVS), the Coordinating Agency for Federal Geographic Information (GCG) and the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS). They take care of the concrete implementation of the CNAI and the establishment of the unit, which is located at the Federal Statistical Office. This dynamic working group helped to ensure that high-quality results were achieved very quickly, meaning that the CNAI could commence its operations at the start of 2022. The motto “think big, start small, start fast” was at the forefront of the development. In the future, the CNAI will continue to develop interdepartmentally in line with this motto.
The network’s functions and activities

One of the CNAI’s key tasks is to collect, systematise, bundle and disseminate the knowledge necessary for the successful implementation of AI projects. Based on a terminology management, i.e. a common basic understanding of the central terms and a common language, the CNAI offers the services of [1] a structured knowledge database, [2] active knowledge exchange, [3] mediation of decentralised experts plus [4] further, complementary services. The CNAI unit acts as a central point of contact for AI.
AI is a team effort! One of the CNAI’s main tasks is therefore ensuring networking between experts, project managers, data scientists, etc. to solve AI-based problems using interdisciplinary teams. Therefore, the CNAI is constantly looking for interested people, institutions, organisations and companies keen to take part in an exchange of this type that are prepared to get actively involved and share their AI experiences.
How can I participate?
Interested individuals, institutions, organisations or companies can become part of the community of practice. Proven AI experts can also apply to join the community of expertise. Would you like to become part of the CNAI? You can register here.