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Competence Network

AI is a team effort! One of CNAI’s main tasks is ensur­ing net­work­ing between experts, project man­agers, data sci­en­tists, etc. to solve AI-based prob­lems using an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team. The network’s per­for­mance increas­es with each addi­tion­al com­pe­tence hub and exchange of expe­ri­ence. AI appli­ca­tions have the great­est impact when devel­oped by cross-func­tion­al teams. There­fore, the CNAI is con­stant­ly look­ing for inter­est­ed peo­ple, insti­tu­tions, organ­i­sa­tions and com­pa­nies keen to take part in an exchange of this type and that are pre­pared to get active­ly involved and share their AI experiences.

Fed­er­al offices and depart­ments, can­tons and com­munes, uni­ver­si­ties, inter­est groups and com­pa­nies, for instance, can become com­pe­tence hubs.

Would you like to take part in our net­work? Con­tact us!