Competence Network for
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technologies have the potential to fundamentally change all areas of life including the Federal Administration itself across all of its divisions and levels. The use of AI is a key aspect of digital transformation. With the creation of a Competence Network for Artificial Intelligence (CNAI), the use of and confidence in AI and other new technologies is expected to be fostered quickly and sustainably both within and beyond the Federal Administration. The CNAI also contributes to informing the public. Its project overview enables it to help ensure the transparency of ongoing AI projects both within and outside the Federal Administration.
The CNAI serves as an enabler and facilitator. Mutual give and take is at the heart of the CNAI, which is why the competence network has two communities.
Legal Hub FAQs
To provide concrete examples, the Legal Hub has compiled a list of FAQs for services wishing to use AI systems to carry out their work.
The introduction of a standardised terminology is an important foundation for the functions of the CNAI. A common language at the level of the Federal Administration facilitates the active exchange of experience and knowledge both within and beyond the CNAI network.
Community of practice
The community of practice which is open to everyone. In the community of practice, people interested in AI come together to learn from each other and exchange information, for example, about best practices in using AI or sharing concrete project experiences.
Instruction sheets for the use of AI within the federal administration
Project database
The CNAI maintains a list of AI-relevant projects in the Federal Administration to create an overview of possible topics and methods and also to facilitate the exchange of experience. The project overview also creates transparency about AI projects available in the Federal Administration.
Community of expertise
The community of expertise is curated by the CNAI unit. The community of expertise brings together experts throughout the Federal Administration with specific technical expertise who can be consulted on concrete project issues.
In building the communities, synergies will be developed with the existing “Data Science for Public Good” community of the Data Science Competence Center (DSCC) and its pool of experts in the field. The DSCC is therefore another important competence hub of the CNAI.
Would you like to take part in our network? Contact us!